Create a connection

This article is meant only for the team owner and project managers. For team members and managers please skip to the next article.

You can create a connection inside any folder you wish to, or else you can also to choose to create it inside root directory of your project.

Click on the new connection button which is there on top right corner. You will see the following dialog asking about your connection information.

(lightbulb) Connection name, host, port, description are end-to-end encrypted.

In this screen, after entering the details you must create an identity if you didn't create one earlier. To create an identity click on create a new identity. After you click on that you will see the following popup.

(lightbulb) Identity name, username, private key, and password are end-to-end encrypted.

Enter the required information in this form. Enter a meaningful name of the identity which should be easier for you to identify in the future.

If you are using a private key, you may choose to import the private key from the file, by clicking on Import from file button.

Once you have filled in all the above information click on the create button. Your identity will be created post that you need to select the identity from the dropdown.

Select the identity and click on the create button. After creation, you can see that appearing on your current view.

After creating now you can access ssh by clicking on launch.

You can see the shell prompts on the same window, you can now start using your terminal.

Things to do next.

  • Add more connections (follow the same procedure, if your new connection use the same identity you do not need to create another one you can select the same from the identity dropdown while creating a connection)

  • Invite people to access your servers'