Create an account

Once your app is launched and when you click on get started. The app will ask you to signup with yoheim.

Fill the form rightly and click on signup. Once you click on signup your account will be created on yoheim’s platform, and also in the background yoheim generates a key pair for you. And in the next step, you will be asked to export your private key. Click here to know why?

Exporting your private key

Once the signup process is completed on the above step, the following screen appears where you are exclusively asked to export and backup your private key.

It’s highly recommended that you export it and save it safely, back up to the cloud is recommended. In case you lose access to your private key you will lose access to all the resources associated with your account.

Verifying your account

Once you click on “DONE“ on the above step. You will be prompted to verify your account’s email address. You must receive an email mentioning containing the 6 digits one-time passcode. Enter the same on this screen and click on Verify, In case you didn’t receive it, you can click on “Resend passcode”

If your entered one-time passcode is correct, the account will be ready to use. And then post that you will be redirected to the home screen of the app.